blessings of the temple

Friday, January 10, 2014

the temple on our wedding day, february 11, 2011
i attended a temple sealing recently of one of my very dear friends. the sealer mentioned that vaughn j. featherstone had promised specific blessings to those who attend the temple regularly. i came home and researched this a little bit more, and i love what he promised. there is a long list of blessings, but these are some of my favorites:

it would serve as great "insurance protection" for your marriage 
blessings of prosperity in your businesses and professions
unseen angels will watch over your loved ones
your family will draw close to the Lord and there will be no empty chairs in the Celestial Kingdom
your children will go on missions 
your children will get married in the temple

my mom and dad have always been very faithful temple attenders. growing up my mom would go to the temple every week, and a lot of the time when i call her now she is heading downtown to meet up with my dad so that they can go to the temple together. i really admire their commitment to serve in the temple frequently, and i have seen great blessings come to our family as a result of their temple attendance. all of us bledsoe kids have served missions. we have all been married in the temple, except for alex who is still on his mission. 
our wedding day almost three years ago!
i know that these blessings are real. i am thankful that they have been realized in my life because of my parents, and i want them for my own family!

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